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Zero traffic deaths in San Diego

Our streets should be safe, no matter where we go or how we get there.

On average, one person is injured every day in San Diego while driving, walking or bicycling. Traffic violence is now on par and exceeding the homicide rate in San Diego, and traffic collisions are the leading cause of accidental death for children ages 0 to 13 in the City. In 2016, 2,155 were injured and 107 people were killed walking and biking on our roads in San Diego County.

The Solution

Vision Zero is a data-driven approach to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries on our roadways, within a specific time frame, by increasing safe, healthy, and equitable mobility.

Vision Zero strategies focus on:

  • Reducing speed limits and prioritizing the most vulnerable road users
  • Redesigning streets to make them accessible for people of all ages and abilities
  • Raising awareness and providing education about unsafe behaviors on the road
No loss of life is acceptable.
Vision Zero will prevent injuries and save lives.
Growing List of Supporters

Circulate is fortunate to have the support of the following organizations for Vision Zero: