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Contact: Colin Parent

(858) 442-7374

[email protected]


Circulate San Diego Releases Tips for Enjoying Pokémon Go Safely (PDF)

Circulate San Diego, the region’s leading organization that promotes pedestrians safety, today released tips for San Diegans to enjoy Pokémon Go safely.

The immense popularity of Pokémon Go mobile app is inspiring an unprecedented amount of walking and healthy physical exercise. The game rewards players that log time walking to hatch virtual eggs, and users are taking to the streets and exploring their neighborhoods to catch Pokémon. Augmented reality games like Pokémon Go can be fun ways to inspire more physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.

A small number of PokémonGo users have injured themselves while using the game, including two individuals in Encinitas that walked off a cliff. These unfortunate incidents reinforce the need for pedestrians to be aware of their surroundings, and to be safe on our streets.

Circulate San Diego is the region's leading advocacy organization for pedestrian safety. Our staff trains thousands of school children each year on how to be safe on our busy streets. With so many walkers using Pokémon Go, we are presenting the below tips for how to enjoy the game safely.

Circulate San Diego’s Safety Tips for Using Pokémon Go:

Stay Alert and Stop to Catch your Pokémon – Walking around busy streets requires attentiveness. Pause walking when you find a Pokémon to catch.

Put the Phone Away While Crossing – Put your phone in your pocket when crossing the street to stay focused on drivers.

Be Seen – If you play the game at night, be sure to wear bright colors and walk with your phone flashlight function activated.

Don’t Wear Headphones  The game is distracting enough, be sure to keep your ears open.

Cross at Designated Crosswalks  Drivers cannot see Pokémon and do not expect pedestrians to capture virtual pocket monsters in the street. Cross where drivers should expect to see you.

Make Eye Contact with Drivers – Making eye contact with drivers helps establish a pedestrian's intent to cross. If you are looking at your phone, a driver might not anticipate your crossing.

If San Diegans follow these easy tips, they can ensure they will stay safe while enjoying both exercise and the outdoors with Pokémon Go.

Circulate San Diego is a regional non-profit organization dedicated to advancing mobility and making the region a better place to move, work, learn, and play. Our work focuses on creating great mobility choices, more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and land uses that promote sustainable growth.


Pokémon discovered (and captured!) in Circulate San Diego's office.
